Since our foundation, we have been expanding our factory equipment and introducing the latest equipment, while pushing ahead with R&D, to meet the needs of our customers in detail. We opened an independent research wing at our Shizuoka factory in 1999. We will carry on striving to develop products to satisfy our customers.

November 1970
Founder, Ikuro Nakane, established State Industry Co., Ltd., with JPY 5 million paid-in nominal capital.
Began manufacture and sales of power brushes as modern tools.
June 1972
Newly opened our Yokohama No.1 factory as an engine casting repair factory for Isizu Motors Limited 1,000‡u site, 390‡u building
July 1973
Took over the shot blasting department of Isizu Motors Limited, and expanded the No.1 factory
September 1973
Opened a workshop in the Yokohama factory of Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., to perform sheet metal work
July 1974
Increased paid-in nominal capital to JPY10 million
January 1975
Newly constructed our No.2 factory as a channel brush factory 1,000‡u site, 495‡u building
April 1978
Constructed the State Building 330‡u site, 452‡u building
September 1978
Increased paid-in nominal capital to JPY20 million
April 1982
Newly constructed our Shizuoka factory 4,700‡u site, 1,200‡u building Moved the channel brush department to the Shizuoka factory
February 1983
Opened the Shizuoka sales office
April 1983
Opened Saitama sales office in Koshigaya
December 1988
Expanded Shizuoka factory by 670‡u
April 1990
Completed the placement of internal data online
August 1997
Opened Osaka preparation office
September 1997
Remodeled Yokohama factory to 561‡u
October 1999
Opened Shizuoka factory research wing
October 1999
Added 1,000‡u of land as parking lot for the Shizuoka factory
August 2005
Shizuoka factory offices extended and remodeled.
August 2010
State Industry (Thailand) Co., Ltd., established.
October 2018
Shizuoka factory clean-rooms extended and remodeled.
March 2020
Shizuoka factory extended and remodeled, Yokohama factory operations relocated and plant closed.
June 2020
Toshiharu Nakane appointed Representative Director at General Meeting of Shareholders.
November 2020
Mikawa Sales Office opened in Okazaki City.

Copyright©2004 State Industry Co.,Ltd